Thursday, November 20, 2008

30, 000 signatures for gay marriage

30, 000 signatures for gay marriage
Written by Rachel Cook

The National Union of Students (NUS) will rally in Melbourne this Saturday in support of same-sex marriage.

The rally, which takes place at 1pm at the State Library, will culminate in the handing over of signatures, collected as part of the NUS petition supporting gay marriage, to Greens’ Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.
Hanson-Young will take the petition to Canberra, where they will be tabled in the Senate.

The petition, Equal Rights for All: Support Same Sex Marriage, End Legal Discrimination, has attracted over 30,000 signatures since January.

James Vigus, queer male officer with the NUS, told MCV support for same-sex marriage covers a wide demographic.

“The signatures show that it’s not just a narrow range that supports same-sex marriage. To get so many signatures from so many different places, whether it was regional or inner city, shows that there is a large sentiment for equal rights beyond the gay ghettoes.

“We have signatures collected from as far away as Townsville.”

Vigus said the response to the petition was in line with opinion polls that have shown the majority of Australians support the right for same-sex couples to marry.

In May this year, 79 per cent of respondents to The Age readers poll, ‘Should gay couples be allowed to marry?’ said yes, while only 21 per cent said no.

Last week before the Senate the Greens asked the Liberal and Labor parties to permit their senators to exercise a conscience vote on the issue of same-sex marriage.

The vote was not granted, with the Minister for Climate Change and Water, Penny Wong, once again stating that the Labor Party stance on marriage is that it is between a man and woman.

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said Labor and the Liberals had both “trumpeted” their commitment to removing discrimination against same-sex couples in Commonwealth law.

“However, the Marriage Act has been a glaring omission from the suite of bills that will bring us into a new age of equality for same-sex couples.

“[The Greens] are hopeful that, with a conscience vote, the issue will be debated fully, and party lines will be overridden by the understanding that true equality in law for same-sex couples includes the right to marry.”

Halley Conway, co-convenor of the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, is one of the speakers at this weekend’s rally. She told MCV the NUS petition sends a strong message to politicians.

“If people are willing to put their name and contact details on a petition it shows elected officials that this is something they believe in,” Conway said.

“Petitions are an effective way of communicating what people think en masse and NUS has done this particularly well.”

Conway said she will be addressing the issue of future strategies needed to push legalising same-sex marriage.

“I will be talking about where we go from here, why there is a need for concerted and multi-pronged activities across the board to see change.”

In related news, the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Bill, which will allow for lesbians and single women to access fertility treatments and broaden surrogacy laws, last week passed a second reading in the state’s Upper House.

The bill has now been referred to the seven-member Legislative Committee, which will report back to the Upper House on December 2.

TUC Calls for End to Discrimination Against Transgender People

TUC Calls for End to Discrimination Against Transgender People
Brendan Barber speaks out on International Trans Memorial Day

LONDON, November 20, 2008 – The TUC is today calling on employers to stop discriminating against transgender people in the workplace on International Trans Memorial Day.

Violent attacks on gay men and women because of their sexuality are well documented – much less well known are the murderous assaults committed against transgender people.

In September 2008, at least 25 transgender people were murdered across the world, for no other reason than the fact that they were different. (source: ILGA)

International Trans Memorial Day will remember ‘trans’ people across the world who have been the victims of such crimes, and aims to bring them to public attention.

In Britain the trans community continues to face violent physical attacks, alongside prejudice and discrimination in communities and at work.

The TUC has worked with transgender union members and with representatives of the trans community to campaign for Britain’s equality laws to provide comprehensive protection from discrimination for trans people.

Although there have been improvements to the law, there remain gaps and widespread exemptions that leave trans people without full protection.

“Discrimination, hatred and violence are part of the daily lives of far too many in Britain, and employers need to make sure all their employees are working in safe environments free from discrimination.,” TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said last night.

“Unions need to step up campaigning for equality for trans people in the UK.

“We will shortly have a new Equality Act and the TUC will be pressing for complete protection for those people who identify with the opposite gender to the one that they were born.

“The murderous attacks on trans people worldwide – and the assaults we know take place in Britain – show that this community faces prejudice and bigotry.

“If Britain is to be a truly equal and inclusive society we need to understand the issues facing trans people, and develop practical steps to end discrimination in workplaces, and in society at large.”

Belarusians More Tolerant to Sexual Minorities than Russians?

Belarusians More Tolerant to Sexual Minorities than Russians?
Slavic Gay Pride movement opens public discussion on the rights of gays and lesbians in Belarus

MOSCOW, November 20, 2008 ( – The ‘unification seminar’ between Russian and Belarusian gay activists in Minsk last weekend – and the announcement of the creation of the Slavic Gay Pride movement with its first march on May 16 next year in Moscow – has provoked reaction not only in Russia but also in Belarus.

And the support for rights for gay men and women appears to be stronger than in Russia.

According to the website Gay.By, the Belarusian Internet radio TUT has shown interest in the concept of the Slavic Gay Pride in Moscow on Eurovision Song Contest final day.

A reporter from TUT went into the streets for some vox pops with ordinary people, asking about their attitude towards homosexual people.

The replies they go – and broadcast – were mixed, but generally supportive of gay rights. They include:

Let them marry, of course, let them have children, if they can. If they have conditions then let them do it.

● Yes, really, they should be given liberty probably
● Just that they do not propagate this massively and the issue of children should be thought out…
● Same-sex marriages? This should be thought out…
● The response to gays is the following. Kill yourself, faggots…
● If they are trying, let them try…
● Same-sex marriages are too much for our country.
● Gays are the same humans as all.
● After all they are a minority, let them gather and go to Holland, to create something together there but not here. We are rooted Slavic people and we are not destined to be gays.
● We should deal with it in a more tolerant way.
● We should have the same attitude here as in all open world.
● I think our head of state does not respond to all letters, and to this specially will not. I think they don't have big chances… Let them write letters…

TUT.By radio reported that “Belarusian gays demand equality. They decided to send a letter to President Alexander Lukashenko, trying to attract attention to the problems of sexual minorities in this country. Moreover, Belarusian gays are going to unite in the fight for their rights with Russian gays and stage Slavic Gay Pride in Moscow during Eurovision final.”

The results of the poll conducted on TUT.By site show that around 13% have positive attitude towards homosexual people, around 25% are neutral. 38% expressed their negative attitude to gays and lesbians while 24% chose the answer “I have no connection with them”.

At the end of the radio news report the journalist suggested that “as we can see out of the responses that we got, everything is not so bad in our country.”

“I was pleasantly surprised by the responses of Belarusian respondents during the poll on the streets,” chief organiser of Moscow Pride, Nikolai Alekseev, said last night.

“They showed higher tolerance towards sexual minorities in the society. But I am glad that the movement of Slavic Gay Pride that we created less than a week ago has already lead to the start of the discussions in the society – and the media – about the rights of gays and lesbians in Belarus. This is only the beginning but it is a foundation.”

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Obama posts campaign pledges on LGBT rights

Obama posts campaign pledges on LGBT rights

By 365gay Newscenter Staff
11.19.2008 9:41am EST

(Washington) President-elect Barack Obama has laid out his commitment to LGBT civil rights in an eight-point plan posted on his transition Web site.
It calls for passage of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act; a gender-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act; repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell; repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act; opposition to any attempt to reintroduce an amendment to the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, support for inclusive adoption rights; and an expanded war on HIV/AIDS.

The program is identical to Obama's positions during the campaign and LGBT rights groups said it shows that the president-elect is committed to keeping his word.

The Matthew Shepard Hate Crime Act would add sexual orientation to the list of categories covered under federal hate crime law. It passed the House in 2007 and the White House threatened to veto it. In an effort to get around a veto, the Senate version was tied to the 2008 defense authorization bill. It passed but then went to conference, where it was stripped out.

Obama was a co-sponsor of the bill. On his transition Web site, Obama notes that in 2004, crimes against LGBT Americans constituted the third-highest category of hate crime reported, making up more than 15 percent. As a state senator in Illinois, Obama helped pass tough legislation that made hate crimes - and cthe onspiracy to commit them - against the law.

Obama, in his eight-point plan, also supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and says it must include gender identity.

ENDA passed the US House in 2007 without protections for the transgendered, but was not taken up by the Senate.

The legislation would make it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in hiring, firing, promoting or paying an employee.

ENDA as originally introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) included transpeople, but Frank removed those protections in committee, saying it would be impossible to pass the bill if it included gender identity.

More than a dozen LGBT groups immediately distanced themselves from the legislation. Frank has since said he would fight to ensure an inclusive ENDA is passed.

Obama's support for an inclusive ENDA virtually assures it will include gender identity when it is reintroduced in the next session of Congress.

"While an increasing number of employers have extended benefits to their employees' domestic partners, discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace occurs with no federal legal remedy," Obama says on the transition site.

Legislation to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the ban on gays serving openly in the military, was taken up in committee this year for the first time, but did not make it to a vote.

DADT was enacted in 1993. Since then more than 12,000 servicemembers have been dismissed when it was learned they are gay. According to statistics from the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, which advocates for gays in the military, an average of two service members each day are dismissed under the law .

"The key test for military service should be patriotism, a sense of duty, and a willingness to serve. Discrimination should be prohibited," the Obama transition site says.

"Obama will work with military leaders to repeal the current policy and ensure it helps accomplish our national defense goals."

The Web site also touts Obama's commitment to same-sex families, but he remains reluctant to support gay marriage.

"Barack Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples." the transition site says.

"Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions. These rights and benefits include the right to assist a loved one in times of emergency, the right to equal health insurance and other employment benefits, and property rights," the Web site says.

He also supports adoption rights for all couples "regardless of their sexual orientation."

Obama's plan also offers a comprehensive plan for combating HIV/AIDS.

"In the first year of his presidency, Barack Obama will develop and begin to implement a comprehensive national HIV/AIDS strategy that includes all federal agencies. The strategy will be designed to reduce HIV infections, increase access to care and reduce HIV-related health disparities," the Web site says.

Part of that plan would see a diminished role for the Bush administration's dependence on abstinence education, as well as distributing contraceptives in prisons and lifting the federal ban on needle exchanges.



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